Immagine cantina De Stefani Wines
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De Stefani Wines

Veneto - Venezia
Via Luigi Cadorna, 92 - Fossalta di Piave
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De Stefani Wines

The De Stefani family is originally from Refrontolo, a small town in Veneto, as shown by official documents of 1624. On these hills Conegliano Valdobbiadene Unesco Heritage, in 1866 the founder Valeriano De Stefani identified a unique terroir to produce great wines.
His son Valeriano, second generation, inspired by his fussy wife Angelina, started the tradition to which De Stefani have always adhered: total devotion to quality without compromise. The third generation Titian, after graduating in 1958 in oenology and viticulture in the most prestigious wine school of Italy in Conegliano, began to produce wines in the Piave Valley, near Venice, between the Adriatic Sea and the Dolomites mountains. Today here in Fossalta di Piave are the headquarters and cellars of the company.
Alessandro De Stefani, fourth generation, graduated in enology and viticulture at the same school and today, together with his wife Chiara, produces wines of excellence. The main principles that guide them are a very natural philosophy, old vineyards with high density and attention to the native vines of their territory, in order to make wines that can transmit emotions even decades after their creation.


De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines
De Stefani Wines