For three generations, for Bellese Vini the cultivation of grapes is not just work, but it is the manifestation of love for the places of their birth, landscapes hidden in the lower reaches of the Piave River, far from the city life that with its rhythms erases peace and serenity. Rhythms that can be easily found here in the dirt roads that flank the expanses of vines in an alternation of modern Guyot and monumental Bellussere, framed by tree-lined hedges, elm woods, plane trees and spontaneous elder trees.
They grow their own grapes. The origin of their wine is certified by the efforts they make in the vineyard and in the cellar. They try to defend the terroir and its peculiarities, to preserve the landscape that surrounds them. In a single word: they are Fivi Winegrowers.
Just as their grandparents taught them the value of sacrifice, the hard work of obtaining sustenance from the land, the respect for the part of the world that we do not own, they too will pass it on to future generations.