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Terre de’ Trinci

Umbria - Perugia
Via Fiamenga, 57, - Foligno,
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Terre de’ Trinci

Terre de' Trinci is one of the wineries that have had the greatest impact on the great rebirth of Umbrian oenology.

Deeply rooted in the territory, Terre de' Trinci, finds in Sagrantino di Montefalco DOCG its maximum expression and its maximum commitment.
Alongside the Sagrantino, modern wines were born, testimony to the continuous evolution of the company, which with them expresses its desire to combine tradition and modernity.

Taking the name of Trinci, one of the most illustrious families that the history of the territory can boast, is a sign of the desire to contribute to the positive growth and evolution of the area where the winery is located.
Lords of Foligno in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries, have in fact led these lands during a period of great splendor.

Mindful of what has been taught in history, today the company has decided to invest in the production of Sagrantino grapes, a native grape variety of the area, to contribute to the knowledge and development of the potential of a wine inextricably linked to the territory from which it draws its origin and originality.

The first winery to follow 'the new course of the so-called dry vinification' of the now famous Sagrantino.

In the cellar we keep as a historical memory some bottles of 1972, 1973 and 1975 of Sagrantino vinified in dry wine as evidence that this cellar was the first to produce Sagrantino in this way.

The vineyards are the real wealth of this winery.
They are conducted with the precious advice of an agronomist who, in agreement with the oenologist, marks the step of a careful work that aims to obtain grapes of exceptional quality, the only true basis of a wine that wants to be great.

The decision to make huge investments both in the equipment of modern winemaking plants and in the acquisition of a park of barrels, barriques and tonneaux of all respect, is the desire to equip itself with the appropriate tools to achieve precise objectives.

Last but not least, the desire to find new ways, to test new routes, which is the basis for not stopping by being satisfied with what has been done. It is the desire to seek a better union between tradition and innovation, in order to continue to grow. This is why we have also chosen to work with vines such as Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay, alone or in combination with traditional vines such as Sagrantino and Grechetto.


Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci
Terre de’ Trinci