Immagine cantina Novarese Hills
Immagine esplicativa strada Novarese Hills

Novarese Hills

Novarese Hills

The Wine Route of the Novarese Hills involves the 13 municipalities, 9 of which are Wine Cities. These municipalities include Barengo, Boca, Bogogno, Briona, Cavaglio d'Agogna, Cressa, Fara Novarese, Ghemme, Marano Ticino, Mezzomerico, Romagnano Sesia, Sizzano and Suno. Viticulture in this area has ancient roots, dating back centuries, and has contributed to the establishment of characteristic grape varieties typical of these localities. Along this itinerary, visitors can immerse themselves in the region's winemaking tradition, taste fine wines and discover the beauty of these hills rich in history and culture.

Immagine La Piemontina

La Piemontina

Piemonte - Novara
La Piemontina
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