As children, at that age when we imagine ourselves as astronauts or soccer players, we used to confide in each other that it would be nice, one day, to be able to produce Erbaluce Passito, this "magical" product that was part of our folk tradition and that, on autumn evenings, our grandparents and parents would take us to see and taste.
Many years have passed, each of us has made our own path, both of family and professional life, but one day we found ourselves talking about our dream again: as if time had not passed, with the same carefree attitude with which, so many years before, we talked about our projects.
And we realized that the time to realize our dream had finally arrived.
And so, with passion, tenacity, commitment and a lot of joy, we built La Masera. And we like to think that some of this passion and energy can be found in our product and that some trace of our dream may also reach those who choose to taste our wines
We used to see our grandparents wait an entire year with the anxiety that a summer storm might wipe out the entire harvest, but then the last rays of a summer now over would deliver to the ritual of the harvest those beloved clusters of the native and tenacious grape variety: the Erbaluce or Albaluce, as the ancients called it. Today as then, with our project we try to retrace those ancient gestures, to revive that prodigy of taste and soul-searching that comes to life from a glass of Erbaluce Passito di Settimo Rottaro