Immagine cantina Tenuta Scersce'
Logo cantina Tenuta Scersce'

Tenuta Scersce'

Lombardia - Sondrio
Via Lungo Adda V Alpini, 124 - Tirano
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Scerscé was born from a passionate intuition of Cristina, the thinking head of the company, who recognizes the great vocation of a territory where the main grape is Nebbiolo from the Alps.

The heart of her vineyard is in Teglio, at a height ranging from 450 m to 700 m above sea level.

The quality of the product is inextricably linked to the respect for the raw material and to the quality of the landscape. The hard work in the vineyard is placed at the centre. Studying the soil of the vineyards zone by zone, we can perceive their characteristics to obtain high quality grapes.

A new cellar is currently being defined, a new space that allows us to continue to study and to experiment new types of large barrels and to lenghten the refinement time in the bottle.

Respect the tradition with a watchful eye at the future.


Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'
Tenuta Scersce'